N头条>英语词典>direct discourse翻译和用法

direct discourse

英 [dəˈrekt ˈdɪskɔːs]

美 [dəˈrekt ˈdɪskɔːrs]

n.  (语法中的)直接引语


  • (语法中的)直接引语
    In grammar,direct discourseis speech which is reported by using the exact words that the speaker used.
    1. in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 direct speech


    • The analyses and explorations confirm our assumption that in the Chinese culture the indirect style of interaction and discourse organization is largely preferred while in the American culture the direct style of interaction and discourse organization is largely preferred.
    • In the manuscript, what occupies its great space is the governess 'interior monologue, also called free direct discourse.
    • Chapter four analyzes the variable narrative discourses, such as direct narrated discourse, indirect narrated discourse and dramatic narrated discourse and also the emphasis is laid on its unique effects of these narrative strategies.
    • Being dialogical, direct and extreme were three distinctive features of the means of discourse of debate.
    • The spirit of local culture exerts a direct influence on such writing factors as the orientation and development of narrative focus, the choice of discourse and narrative perspective, the writing style and writing structure.
    • Chapter Three mainly concentrates on the presentations of speech-free direct discourse, free indirect discourse and multiple discourses.
    • Free Direct Discourse and Situational Irony in Emma
    • The theories of cohesion and coherence can be applied to direct discourse analysis.
    • Direct communication involves transmitting verbal messages that clearly show speakers 'true intentions in the discourse process, and direct speech acts are the basic units of direct communication.
    • Chapter Four is about the analysis of direct discourse in Catch-22.